Noordse Focus

Mother Vera

Bestel Ticket


  • Director: Cécile Embleton,
    Alys Tomlinson
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: Belarusian,
  • Production countries: United Kingdom
  • Jaartal: 2024
  • Runtime 1h 31min.

Mother Vera

In the silent, snow-covered forests of Belarus, Orthodox nun Vera embarks on a journey towards freedom. After 20 years in a monastery, her past resurfaces, forcing her to confront the emotional conflicts that have been buried deep within. Set in a hidden monastery near Minsk, Vera’s story is intertwined with the journeys of men undergoing rehabilitation, whose struggles mirror her own quest for redemption.

Mother Vera, by directors (and photographers!) Cécile Embleton and Alys Tomlinson, is a breathtaking visual masterpiece. Guided by her love for horses, Vera's journey is beautifully captured through stunning cinematography that blends iconography with pagan realism. With haunting images of Vera, draped in black, riding through the snow on a white horse, the film creates a powerful reflection on inner turmoil and the path to personal liberation.

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