Nederlands eigenzinnig

Het zit in mijn hart

Bestel Ticket


  • Director: Saskia Boddeke
  • Subtitle: None
  • Language: Dutch
  • Original title: Het zit in mijn hart
  • Production countries: The Netherlands
  • Jaartal: 2023
  • Runtime 1h 26min.

Het zit in mijn hart

What happens when you combine the magic of an opera and the depth of a documentary? Director Saskia Boddeke knows the answer to that question: you get a beautiful film that straddles reality and fiction. The fiction in this story is Furia, the poetic story about murder, manslaughter and eroticism, performed by a cast that and extraordinarily inspiring performance. The reality is the fact that all the actors have intellectual disabilities. Boddeke beautifully captures the dreams and obstacles of the actors, exploring the conflict between the abilities, desires and limitations of the uninhibited protagonists on a deeper level. In Het zit in mijn hart (It Is In My heart), all the director's multidisciplinary qualities come into play, making it simultaneously theatrical, narrative, personal and beautifully cinematic.

Alle voorstellingen

9 November

Pathé Zaal 2


Elmer Leupen

12 November

De Harmonie Haan Reclamewerk Zaal (Middenzaal)