
Meeuwen schreeuwen in het weekend (12min.)

Noordse Focus


Director: Maria Stuut

Subtitle: None

Language: Dutch

Original title: Meeuwen schreeuwen in het weekend

Production countries: The Netherlands

Year: 2022


The water level in the Wadden Sea follows the rhythm of the moon, and boats adjust their course accordingly. The gulls follow the rhythm of man, they have become dependent on the fish waste that the fishermen leave behind during the week. During the weekend, when the fishermen are watching football, there is a threat of hunger. Maria Stuut's Meeuwen schreeuwen in het weekend provides an insight into the intertwined rhythms of the Wadden Sea Region and examines the relationship between boat, man and gull.

Film stills


As in Heaven (1h 25min.)

Noordse Focus


Director: Tea Lindeburg

Subtitle: English

Language: Danish

Original title: Du som er i himlen

Production countries: Denmark

Year: 2021


One day in the late 1800s, 14-year-old Lise's life changes forever. She is the eldest of her siblings, the first in her family to go to school and she is full of hope and confident about her life and future. But when her mother goes into labour, it quickly appears that something is wrong. As night falls and the labour progresses, Lise begins to understand that her childhood might be over and a lot of responsibility awaits her. Danish director Tea Lindeburg touches on topics such as religion and feminism in this nerve-racking drama, and offers actress Flora Ofelia Hofmann Lindahl (2005) a chance to show off her mesmerizing acting skills.

Film stills

Noordse Focus

As in Heaven & winnaar Filmkick 2021

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As in Heaven & winnaar Filmkick 2021

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12 November

De Harmonie Haan Reclamewerk Zaal (Middenzaal)


Maria Stuut, Maria Stuut, Frederik Stuut, Frederik Stuut