Prison Pictures


  • Director: Ole Stenum
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: Danish
  • Production countries: Denmark
  • Jaartal: 2022
  • Runtime 1h 31min.

The View

What does freedom mean when you're locked up? The View chronicles the construction of Greenland's first high-security prison, a Danish project that aims to offer prisoners a better view—one of breathtaking landscapes rather than bleak walls. On paper, it sounds noble, but reality proves more complex. 

Director Ole Stenum captures eight years of growing misunderstandings between optimistic architects, inmates, and the local community. While designers envision a more humane prison system, the prisoners themselves feel unheard. This compelling documentary highlights how well-intentioned progress can clash with cultural differences and the harsh realities of incarceration. The View raises provocative questions about punishment, perspective, and freedom.

The View is part of the NFF special Prison Pictures. This film will be shown at a very special location: the heavy secured prison (Penitiaire Inrichting) in Leeuwarden. After the screening, director Ole Stenum will be present for an aftertalk with the audience, prison director Gino Tibboel and a convict from the prison. Moderator will be Asing Walthaus, ex-journalist for the Leeuwarder Courant.

Note: for this screening strict conditions apply. Visitors will be screened by the PI, and you can't bring certain goods, like a phone, keys etc. More info will be provided in the process when ordering a ticket. 

Alle voorstellingen

14 November

Penitentiaire Inrichting

15 November

Penitentiaire Inrichting