Noordse Focus

That They May Face the Rising Sun

Bestel Ticket


  • Director: Pat Collins
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: English
  • Production countries: Ireland,
    United Kingdom
  • Jaartal: 2023
  • Runtime 2h 15min.

That They May Face the Rising Sun

In the poetic film That They May Face the Rising Sun, Pat Collins paints an intimate portrait of rural Ireland. The story follows a year in the life of a couple who return to their home village. As they reconnect with nature and community, the rhythms of rural life unfold in a picturesque, meditative way.

Based on John McGahern's book of the same name, Collins masterfully captures the silence and beauty of the landscape. The film was praised for its hushed cinematography and respectful depiction of Irish life. Thus, it won the Best Film award as well as being nominated for ten more titles at the Irish Film & Television Awards.

Main actors Barry Ward and Anna Bederke will attend the screening on Saturday 16 November for a q&a. This screening will be presented in close collaboration with Leeuwarden UNESCO City of Literature.

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