Noordse Focus


  • Director: Ninna Pálmadóttir
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: Icelandic
  • Original title: Einvara
  • Production countries: Iceland
  • Jaartal: 2023
  • Runtime 1h 15min.


Gunnar lives a quiet life in the countryside, with his horses. When he is forced by the state to sell his house, he leaves everything behind and moves to the city for the first time in his life. There, he meets ten-year-old newspaper boy Ari. Their unexpected friendship proves to be of great significance for both of them.

Icelandic director Ninna Rún Pálmadóttir's stunning debut is an understated portrait, that shows how deep loneliness can cut. In a moving, but not sentimental manner, it outlines a special bond between two very different people. At the same time, it touches on contemporary issues in Icelandic society, such as migration and urbanisation.

The film's screenwriter Rúnar Rúnarsson is no stranger to the festival. His films Volcano (2011), Sparrows (2015) and Echo (2019) were featured at previous editions of the festival. In 2011 and 2019, Rúnarssonwas even a guest in Leeuwarden. When the Light Breaks, which is shown at this year's festival, was also directed by him. 

Alle voorstellingen

14 November

De Harmonie Bovenzaal

16 November

De Harmonie Fellini Zaal (Grote zaal)

17 November

De Harmonie Fellini Zaal (Grote zaal)