Noordse Focus


  • Director: Agniia Galdanova
  • Subtitle: Dutch
  • Language: Russian
  • Production countries: United States,
  • Jaartal: 2023
  • Runtime 1h 38min.


In sky-high heels, non-binary Gena Marvin parades through the streets and metro stations of Moscow, dressed in absurdist drag-outfits, in protest against the impending war in Ukraine and violence against the lhbtqi+ community. In a country where being openly different is considered clandestine gay propaganda, her performances are life-threatening.

Queendom follows the brave, 21-year-old artist from conservative Magadan (Russia), fighting against prejudice and the harsh patriarchy. With each provocative performance, she defies the laws of a society that does not accept her. Bullied, arrested and under constant threat, Gena continues to defend her identity through art. This documentary has impressive camera work and deeply human scenes, such as the conversation between Gena and her grandparents, full of incomprehension and at the same time unconditional love. Queendom is a raw and compelling portrait, that shows the struggle between tradition and self-expression.

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17 November

Slieker Film Blauwe zaal