

  • Director: Elena Martín
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: Catalan
  • Production countries: Spain
  • Jaartal: 2023
  • Runtime 2h 2min.


After Mila has moved to a new house with her boyfriend Marcel and her lust for sex disappears, she starts to understand why her relationship with sex is so complicated. Though she loves Marcel, she finds it impossible to be intimate with him, because each sexual arousement causes deep shame, which manifests itself as an agressive rash across her body. Something she has had since her childhood, when her other calmed her skin down with seawater. By investigating and reliving her childhood and adolescence, Mila hopes to reconcile with her own body.  

With a strong and unique film language, Creatura explores various life stages of womanhood, and shows that seemingly small life events can be more formative than expected. Director Elena Martín doesn't shy away from themes such as shame and taboo; with her second feature film she proves to be an important voice within a wave of young Catalan directors. In Cannes and at other film festivals she was rightfully lauded for Creatura, that she not only directed and wrote, but in which she also boldly stars as Mila.

Alle voorstellingen

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