Noordse Focus


  • Director: Baltasar Kormákur
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: English,
  • Original title: Snerting
  • Production countries: Iceland,
    United Kingdom
  • Jaartal: 2024
  • Runtime 2h 1min.


Kristófer, an Icelandic widower, leaves his quiet life behind to embark on a turbulent search for Miko, the woman he loved fifty years ago. His journey begins unexpectedly, right as the world shuts down. But this trip is more than an escape from the pandemic—it’s a chance to unravel the mystery of his past. What happened to Miko after she disappeared?

With Touch (original title: Snerting), director Baltasar Kormákur crafts a layered tale of regret and perseverance. Through beautiful flashbacks, bringing younger versions of the characters to life, he seamlessly blends past and present, in a journey that stretches across the globe. Egil Ólafsson delivers a compelling performance as the older Kristófer, determined to rekindle a love that never left him. A moving and introspective drama where time is both an enemy and an ally.

Alle voorstellingen

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