Noordse Focus

The Arctic Convoy

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  • Director: Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken
  • Subtitle: English
  • Language: Norwegian,
  • Original title: Konvoi
  • Production countries: Norway
  • Jaartal: 2023
  • Runtime 1h 48min.

The Arctic Convoy

Immerse yourself in The Arctic Convoy, a bold war film by Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken. In 1942, amid the German invasion of the Soviet Union, an Arctic convoy is on its way to deliver weapons to the armed forces. Unprepared for battle, the ship must be protected from air attacks. Doubt strikes, but the commanders press on. Tension rises as they are ordered to disperse. One Norwegian ship decides to continue the mission despite the enormous danger. A brave choice or pure, suicidal madness?

Dahlsbakken, whose Munch (2023) screened at last year's Northern Film Festival, uses his ensemble cast to create an intense story that is more than just war. A film that is not only thrilling, but also shows a deep human side of a forgotten chapter of history.

Alle voorstellingen

14 November

De Harmonie Fellini Zaal (Grote zaal)

16 November

De Harmonie Bovenzaal

17 November

De Harmonie Haan Reclamewerk Zaal (Middenzaal)